Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Night (the second half) by Elie Wiseal

The second half of Night by Elie Wisel continues to tell of the depressing sad true story about a boy who was taken to a concentration camp because he was a Jew. This took place during world war II. Elie was only 15 when taken to the camp along with his Mother sisters and His Father. After arriving he was separated from his mother and sisters. His father and him were together for most of his time at the camp. Every time that the Nazi's separated the Jews into groups they would always find each other. They were able to stay together and form their own groups.
Life in the camp was horrible. For example, if they didn't obey orders they would be shot, striped, lashed, striped and lashed at the same time, or burned in the furnace. They did the same thing if they were sick or to week to work. They also limited their portion of food smaller, and smaller, and smaller as if they want them to starve. Besides the portion of food it also smelled like corpses.

A question that I'm wondering are there other books similar to Night?

Even though this book was painful to read I think is good to know what happened or what went on in the concentration camp. I recommend the painful but great book to anyone who's up for it. THE END


By: Noah Perkins:)

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