Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Magic Poet

In this book their is a Cuban little boy that is a slave he works for a couple of rich people and the lady makes the boy call him mama and she shows him to all her friends like he is a animal.

How could he call that lady his mother even if she whipped me she couldn't make me call her my mother if she wasn't?

The Great and Talented Avery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Avery,

    You seem to get the overall idea of the book. However, more specific detail is needed in your synopsis. Fransisco, the poet slave is not an African American but a Cuban who was born a slave. His owner released his parent but decided to keep him because of his great talent to recite poetry. That is why she uses him to entertain her friends. Since she enjoys him so much that is why she forces him to call her mama.

    Let's conference in our next class about your book.

    Mrs. Clack
