I read chater 10-20 in bound. It starts off with her and her half sister. Half sister has to bound her feet because in those times men wanted their wife to be very small. For exmaple their body, nose, feets and hands. If not then they won't marry as fast as others that have small feet and body. Xing Xing is not cared for so, she doesn't get to do the same as her half sister Wei Ping. But, I think that she is better off because Wei Ping is going though a lot of pain. The bounds to make her feet small hurt her so much that she lost a toe. OWWW!!!
You can tell that Xing is a good girl. she trys so hard to make Stepmother happy. Also she take well care of her sister when in pain even though she is kind of mean to her. She try so hard that I wonder why sometime. She still take care of her father's spit. Xing Xing brings him things that he would of like. Stepmother try to be good and nice when she at his grave. this is because she think that he will only see her when she at his grave. This made me think "I would commit suicide before I'd enter another man's bed." . Well i don't Know what see really ment. So, any ways Xing Xing wants to relly help her father. I can see that what she thinks about. Like even when teir is a boy like taking to her ad fiurting with her and she says no. Just to not for get about her father.
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