Thursday, May 13, 2010


This book is bout Martin Luther King JR. This book is bout how he was when he was little that they changed his name when he was baptist to Martin Luther King JR. His real name was supposed to be Michael King but his dad changed it. His dad was a famous pastor at a local church. His dad named him after him cause his name was Martin too.

I felt like he did the right thing for letting the whites know that we aren't as different as then.
He was called a lot of things but he just walk right through them and finish college when i read that part I felt like he had a lot of faith in him self.

When he finished college he got married and had 4 children. He try to stay in a hotel but they didn't let him cause he was black so he just stayed at his friends house. When i read that part i felt like at least he had friends that cared bout him.

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