Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ask me no questions Chapters 5-end

During chapters 5-7, Aisha and Nadira go back to school like nothing happened and they are not allowed to speak of what happened or anything. They practically live in a life of lies and they don't even exist. Also Nadira starts to get mad at Aisha because she is perfect and almost got excepted to a good college. Also there fathers application for asylum was denied so he is being kept in jail and detained(questioned). In chapters 7-9 The story starts of as talking about how abba(their father) had an older brother named Naseem. Abba loved him but one day he just up and left to go and join the Mukti Bahini "Freedom Fighters". Also what happened in these chapters is that Aisha and Nadira go to Mr.Rashid(Their Lawyer) to get the money Abba saved up for their college fund so that they can bail Abba out of jail. Mr.Rashid wouldn't help them or listen to them so Aisha got mad and they left. Also they are both worried about what is happening to Abba in jail. In chapters 9-11 Aisha and Nadira are trying to fill out papers and get help so that they can help get their father out of jail. They are also writing a letter to the new director of immigration and their congressman pleading for special circumstances. Also what happened during these chapters is that three police officers came into the house and made everyone get up and go tho the police station at about 4'o clock in the morning. The police questioned her uncle and after over three hours of anticipation and boredom at the police station, they sent him to jail. During chapters 11-13, uncle is let out of jail but the police officer warns him that he has 30 days to get an up-to-date visa or he will face deportation. Aisha is still feeling guilty and is very hurt. Aisha gets an interview for Barnard College and when they get there, she goes in and acts like she's being interviewed, when actually, Aisha got scared and too nervous and she didn't attend her interview. Also one other thing that happened during these chapters is that Nadira follows the manicurist from lily's fathers salon that she believes is cheating on her mom with. Nadira follows the manicurist to her home and finds pictures of lily's dad and the manicurist together. Then she sees a baby. A baby that might be the manicurist and lily's dads. Lily might have a new brother or sister! In chapters 13-15, Abba is going to start his hearing. Aside to Abba's hearing, Nadira asks Tareq for help to get a real/fake visa. She goes with Tareq somewhere far away with three thousand dollars from their fathers savings. She is just about to get the fake visa but she gets a feeling that she doesn't want to.


5-7: 1. How do they go to school if they are illegal citizens?
2. Why is it so hard to sign up for a visa if you are an immigrant?
7-9: 3. Mr. Rashid is their lawyer so why isn't he helping them?
4. Why is Aisha so worried about the jail stuff. It isn't her business?
9-11: 5. How come the police didn't send Auntie, Taslima or Aisha and Nadira to jail. They are illegal too.
6. How did the police find out that uncle was an illegal immigrant?
11-13: 7. How come Aisha didn't attend her interview because it was a once in a lifetime chance?
8. Why didn't Lily go with Nadira to the manicurists house?
13-15: 9. Where is Aisha when all of this is happening?
10. Why did Nadira rip Tareq off like that?

5-7: I can see why Nadira gets mad at Aisha for being perfect because everyone favors Aisha and no one barely pays attention to Nadira.
7-9: I don't have any connections with these chapters.
9-11: I can make connections with Aisha and Nadira. Sometime they are friends and really nice to each other and other times they are fighting and made at each other. That's kind of how it is with me and my sister.
11-13: I can not make any connections with these chapters.
13-15: In the beginning of these chapters, it was talking about how Nadira and her family used to go swimming in there old village. Well my family and I used to go swimming in my grandmas pool almost every weekend in the summer.
5-7: I think what will happen next is that Nadira isn't going to want to talk to Aisha.
7-9: I think what will happen next is that someone is going to find out about them being illegal and they are going to get into a lot of trouble.
9-11: I think what will happen next is that Aisha is still going to feel guilty and she's gonna try to help as much as she can and accidently goes a little bit too overboard so auntie tells her to back off and let her handle it.
11-13: What I think will happen next is that lily's mom is going to find out and lily's mother and father will get a divorce.
13-15: I think that the next part of the book will be about Nadira trying to get home on her own.
5-7: My reaction was mad that there fathers application for asylum was denied but I know that it happened so that it can make the ending better.
7-9: My reaction was mad because a lawyer is supposed to be there for you but Mr. Rashid didn't even care to help them.
9-11: My reaction was sad and bummed because instead of just getting Abba out of jail, now they have to get Abba and uncle out of jail.
11-13: My reaction was mad that Aisha flaked out on a once in a lifetime chance interview. She could have just sucked it up, did her interview, and most likely make it into the college.
13-15: My reaction was mad because Nadira made Tareq drive all they way out to the middle of nowhere and just ripped him off by saying that she doesn't want it anymore.

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